Posted on 11/18/2013

We often have clients bring their Land Rover in becasue the tilt function of their steering column is not longer working. The steering wheel is now in their lap. Below is a series of pictures of what breaks in the Land Rover's steering column. Unfortunately Land Rover only sells the column as a complete unit and it sells for several thousands of dollars. It is also common for the anti-theft module to fail in the column and the key and or steering wheel will lock. The anti-theft module is also an inegral part of the column assembly. So, when ever we have to replace a column for a failing anti-theft module we strip the commonly failing potmetal tilt cams off and use them for repairs on other clients vehicles. The pictures below show us replacng a broken tilt cam salvaged from a column with a failing anit-theft module. If you are experiencing a steerin ... read more