Posted on 12/17/2014

Perform Transmission Fluid Service By ‘Severe Duty’ Change Intervalby AutoCarePro Team - Nov 18, 2014 Improved lubricants have allowed service intervals to extend for many vehicles with automatic transmissions, utilizing “lifetime fluids.” In the past, service recommendations for automatic transmissions were based on time/mileage tied to requirements of new vehicle warranties (2-3 years or 30,000 miles). Lifetime fluid recommendations are now 5-10 years or the life of the vehicle (100,000 miles) unless the vehicle is subjected to “severe duty.” The question that often comes up next: When is it appropriate to perform a fluid service? Taken directly from OEM owners’ manuals, “severe duty” has historically been defined as: • Operation o ... read more
Posted on 5/1/2014

Here is a picture of a transfer case off of an all wheel drive Jaguar. The customer was told that it had "Life Time Fluid" in the transfer case and transmission. Well the vehicle has 92,065 miles on it, so I guess the "Life Time" of the fluid and in this case the transfer case itself has been determined. Please do not believe the sales person at the dealership when they say the vehicle has "Life Time Fluid" in it. They are just trying to sell you the vehicle. If the fluid in the transfer case, transmission or differentials on VWs, Jaguars, BMWs, Mercedes Benzs, Land Rovers, Audis or any other vehicle would really last the life of the vehicle, the manufacturer would stand behind it and give a life time warranty on those components. If you have any questions feel free to call us at (951) 225-1131, click here to make an appointment. While you here ... read more